Sunday, 16 October 2011

My Syphlitic Friend,

I fear for your sanity. I am afraid that it is more than likely that some wife-borne illness had addled your brain and unhinged your mind.

Let me run you through the events of last Wednesday.

I was at home, tremulously waiting for the doom which was, in turn, waiting for me. I could only sit and imagine with horror the horrors of wife-dom and of pinapple-syrup-dom which were about to visit me horribly. The door bell rang with its typical nautical theme, sung by no other than Michael. I walked, slowly at first, then more slowly toward the end. I turned the gorgon-headed handle of my main-front-door twice removed. There, sitting on the welcome mat (which I had clevely prefixed with 'un' while waiting for your wife), was your dog Mephisto holding a kiwi tween its teeth. A kiwi!



P.S. I have sent over my wife to have a look at you. As you know she had recently graduated with honours from the University of Zanzibar in Wife-Borne Diseases.

Your Thanks are not needed.

Nor Wanted.



P.S. I apologise for the fact that I ended and signed the letter twice, it must have been an oversight and it will not happen again.



P.S. Bollocks


1 comment:

  1. Aagh! Oooh! Graah! and Yuck!
    A KIWI! How deep and broad and transversely parallel runs the resentment between these friends! The ultimate insult - delivery of a kiwi by an innocent canine. Actually, it is the penultimate insult and I expect the climax will come with an Aussie being delivered by Mephistopheles! (is that how one spells Mephistopheles?)
